24 research outputs found


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    (Work-Life Balance to Increase the Job Satisfaction of Academic Members at Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka: A Review)ABSTRAK Keseimbangan di antara kerja dan kehidupan adalah penting bagi seseorang pekerja, khususnya dalam kalangan ahli akademik. Pada masa sekarang cabaran dalam menyeimbangi di antara kerja dan kehidupan adalah mencabar. Jika seseorang itu memberikan lebihan perhatian pada suatu sisi samada kerja mahu pun keluarga, satu sisi lagi pasti akan terabai. Apabila permintaan kepada kerja atau urusan peribadi diperlukan ia secara langsung mewujudkan situasi yang tidak seimbang seterusnya membentuk konflik kerja dan keluarga. Konflik keseimbangan antara kerja dan kehidupan akan memberikan kesan negatif kepada pihak lain samada organisasi mahupun kepada keluarga. Kegagalan menguruskan keseimbangan di antara kerja dan kehidupan dengan baik akan memberikan kesan yang negatif antaranya ketidakhadiran kerja, kurang komitmen di tempat kerja, kualiti kerja rendah, produktiviti rendah, kurang kreativiti dan inovasi, tekanan, konflik di dalam keluarga, dan penceraian Oleh itu kajian ini akan menganalisis soroton kajian lepas berkaitan dengan definisi keseimbangan kerja kehidupan dan juga elemen-elemen keseimbangan kerja kehidupan dalam kalangan ahli akademik UTeM. Dapatan kajian daripada soroton kajian lepas ini akan dapat membantu penyusunan idea yang lebih sistematik dan signifikan ke arah kajian yang akan datang. Kata Kunci: keseimbangan kerja kehidupan, kepuasan kerja, ahli akademik                ABSTRACT Work and life balance is important for an employee, especially among academics. Nowadays the challenge of balancing work and life is challenging. If a person gives too much attention to one side, whether it's work or family, another side will definitely be neglected. When demands for work or personal affairs are needed, it directly creates an unbalanced situation and further forms a conflict between work and family. The conflict of balance between work and life will have a negative impact on the other party, whether it is the organization or the family. Failure to manage the balance between work and life well will have negative effects including absenteeism, lack of commitment at work, low work quality, low productivity, lack of creativity and innovation, stress, conflict in the family, and divorce. Therefore, this study will analyze the highlights of previous studies related to the definition of work-life balance and also the elements of work-life balance among UTeM academics. The research findings from the highlights of this past study will be able to help organize more systematic and significant ideas towards future studies. Keywords: work life balance, job satisfaction, academic


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    ABSTRAK Faktor kesediaan pengetahuan, sikap dan persekitaran merupakan aspek penting kepada para pelajar kejuruteraan dalam memahami dan mengamalkan etika profesional jurutera. Pembentukan etika profesional jurutera dalam kalangan pelajar sewajarnya bermula di peringkat pengajian di universiti. Etika professional ialah etika yang melibatkan nilai dan tingkah laku individu. Memahami amalan etika yang baik dapat membantu para pelajar dalam mengamalkan etika apabila mereka berada di dalam bidang pekerjaan kelak. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti hubungan di antara faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesediaan pelajar kejuruteraan dalam amalan etika profesional jurutera. Kajian ini dijalankan menggunakan borang selidik bagi mendapatkan maklumat balas berkaitan kajian. Seramai 157 orang responden yang terdiri daripada pelajar kejuruteraan telah menjawab borang soal selidik yang diedarkan. Data dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan inferensi dengan menggunakan perisian SPSS versi 22.0. Diharapkan dapatan kajian ini dapat memberi maklumat awal berkaitan persediaan pelajar dalam menyediakan diri sebagai seorang jurutera profesional. Kata kunci: Hubungan, kesediaan, etika profesional                   ABSTRACT Factors of knowledge readiness, attitudes and environments are important aspects for engineering students in understanding and practicing the professional ethics of engineers. The formation of professional engineering ethics among students should begin at the tertiary level. Professional ethics involves personal values and behaviour. Recognising the best ethical practices can help students to practice them at the workplace in the future. This study aimed to identify the relationship between factors which influenced engineering students’ readiness in practicing the professional ethics of engineers. A survey was conducted by using questionnaires to obtain feedback for the study. A total of 157 engineering students became the respondents for the questionnaires. Data were analysed using SPSS version 22.0 software to obtain the descriptive and inferential statistics. It is hoped that the findings of this study can provide preliminary information related to the students’ readiness in preparing themselves to become professional engineers. Keywords: Relationship, readiness, professional ethic


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    Work and life balance is important for an employee, especially among academics. Nowadays the challenge of balancing work and life is challenging. If a person gives too much attention to one side, whether it's work or family, another side will definitely be neglected. When demands for work or personal affairs are needed, it directly creates an unbalanced situation and further forms a conflict between work and family. The conflict of balance between work and life will have a negative impact on the other party, whether it is the organization or the family. Failure to manage the balance between work and life well will have negative effects including absenteeism, lack of commitment at work, low work quality, low productivity, lack 54 of creativity and innovation, stress, conflict in the family, and divorce. Therefore, this study will analyze the highlights of previous studies related to the definition of work-life balance and also the elements of work-life balance among UTeM academics. The research findings from the highlights of this past study will be able to help organize more systematic and significant ideas towards future studies


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    ABSTRAK Kajian ini bertujuan untuk membincangkan keperluan penyediaan fasiliti bagi Orang Kelainan Upaya (OKU) di masjid-masjid di kawasan bandar dan luar bandar. Penyediaan fasiliti terhadap OKU di tempat awam terutama di masjid sangat diperlukan bagi memudahkan mereka melaksanakan ibadat.  Hak OKU tidak boleh diketepikan dalam menerima kemudahan di tempat awam. Kajian ini membincangkan tentang penyediaan fasiliti terhadap OKU yang melibatkan 14 buah masjid yang terdapat di Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus. Tujuan kajian adalah untuk mengenal pasti fasiliti yang perlu disediakan oleh masjid terhadap OKU dan mengukur tahap kesediaan pihak berwajib dalam penyediaan fasiliti tersebut. Bagi mendapatkan data kajian, borang soal selidik telah diedarkan kepada 100 orang responden yang terdiri daripada pegawai pengurusan masjid, pegawai JKM, orang awam dan golongan OKU. Data dianalisis bagi mendapatkan maklum balas berkaitan tahap penyediaan fasiliti di masjid-masjid terhadap OKU. Keputusan kajian diharap dapat memberi maklumat awal berkaitan keperluan penyediaan fasiliti terhadap OKU serta cadangan terhadap penambahbaikan penyediaanya akan dikemukakan. Kata kunci: Fasiliti, Orang Kelainan Upaya (OKU), masjid, mesra pengguna ABSTRACTThis study aimed to discuss on the needs to provide facilities for Persons with Disabilities (PWD) in mosques in urban and rural areas. The provisions of facilities for the disabled in public areas, especially in mosques, is crucial to make it easier for them to perform worship. The rights of the disabled cannot be denied in obtaining facilities in public places. This study deliberates on the provision of facilities for the disabled involving 14 mosques in Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus. The purpose of the study was to identify the facilities that should be provided by the mosques for the disabled and measure the level of readiness of the authorities in the provision of such facilities. In order to obtain research data, questionnaires were distributed to 100 respondents consisting of the mosques’ management officers, the JKM officers, the public and the disabled. Data were analysed to gain feedback on the level of provision of disabled facilities in the mosques. The results of the study are expected to provide preliminary data in relation to the needs to provide facilities for the disabled and bring about suggestions to improve the provisions.Keywords: Facilities, Persons with Disabilities (PWD), mosque, user-friendl

    The Perspectives Of Four Muslim Scholars On Islamisation Of Science

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    Islamization of science has become a debatable issue among Muslim scholars since 1970's. This debate emerged due to the crisis of modern Western science that views a dichotomy between science and religion. To date, there have been many prominent Muslim scholars from the West and the East who discuss this dichotomy based on their understanding and expertise. This paper aims to report a study that analyzes the discourse of Islamization of knowledge from the perspective of four Malaysian Muslim scholars, namely Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas, Osman Bakar, Shaharir Mohamad Zain and Wan Mohd Nor Wan Daud. The selection of scholars are in line with their scholarship and contribution to the discourse of science both nationally and internationally. Based on interviews and analysis of documents written by the four scholars, four terminologies that structure the discourse of Islamization of knowledge have been identified. The four terminologies the paradigm of Tawheed, indigenization of science and technology, philosophy of Islam and issues of securalism. It is found that that the core philosophy and responses of these scholars in Islamization of science are very relevant in all domains of knowledge. The paper also highlights that their contributions to the discourse of Islamization of science have significant impact not only in Malaysia, but also in a variety of disciplines across the Muslim world

    Pembangunan etika dan moral dalam kursus kursus yang ditawarkan di Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka

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    Kajian ini membincangkan tentang pembangunan etika dan moral dalam kursus-kursus yang ditawarkan di UTeM. Kajian ini melihat pembangunan etika dan moral di kalangan pelajar dari sudut keperluan, pertumbuhan dan perkembangan psikologi pelajar, program-program pembangunan dan keberkesanan program. Ia bertujuan untuk mengetahui elemen-elemen etika dan moral yang terdapat di dalam kursus-kursus yang ditawarkan, mengetahui mekanisme yang digunakan dalam membangunkan aspek etika dan moral dan mengenal pasti kesan pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang digunakan dalam pembinaan aspek etika dan moral terhadap para pelajar. Metodologi kajian yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah kajian kepustakaan dan kajian lapangan. Kajian lapangan merangkumi kaedah soal-selidik, temubual dan pemerhatian untuk mendapatkan data. Kajian ini mendapati elemen-elemen utama yang terdapat di dalam kursus yang ditawarkan adalah inovatif, berhemah tinggi dan daya us aha. Manakala mekanisme utama yang digunakan adalah melalui sesi kuliah, tutorial dan projek kumpulan. Has ii kajian juga mendapati keberkesanan pembangunan etika dan moral menerusi kursus yang ditawarkan berdasarkan tiga aspek iaitu pengetahuan, amalan dan sikap. Halangan kepada keberkesan juga diketengahkan menerusi perspektif pensyarah dan pelajar. Akhir sekali, pengkaji telah membuat rumusan terhadap kajian yang dijalankan. Saranansarananjuga diberikan kepada pihak yang berkenaan berdasarkan penemuan-penemuan kajian yang telah dibuat

    The Instruments Used In Measuring Internet Addiction: A Review

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    The growing attention of internet addiction problem has urged the researchers worldwide to develop an instrument to measure internet addiction level among worldwide population. Many of them have develop and adapt the diagnostic and test scale to identify the level of internet addiction among population. Thus, this study are going to conduct comparison analysis of the instruments used based on different platforms, the number of study used and different aspects included to other study .The assessment used in 28 studies will be discussed based on three type of analysis. Based on this review, IAT instrument was found to be the higher assessment used by the number of studies in order to evaluate internet addiction level which comprise of three dimensions. Most of these studies are mainly drawn from the field of psychology. This review will provide deep understanding on instrument construct to future study in developing new instrument based on internet addiction phenomeno


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    Social media has become a necessity among organization in order to enhance the productivity or job performance among employees. It has been claimed as the effective communication channel among employee to corporate toward collaboration, knowledge sharing, etc. Nevertheless, as the social media become the most priority among individual and organization, it has also become one of the factors that contribute to the disruption of work productivity. Thus, this review paper aimed to conduct comparison analysis in the methodology used and the instrument adopted or developed by researchers in measuring the social media usage and employee productivity. There are 32 studies being selected and the majority of the study has been conducting quantitative approaches through an online survey in identifying the frequency of social media usage. From 32 studies only 5 studies have been applicable in measuring work productivity based on the impact of social media usage. The findings presented in this review paper will provide a deep understanding in designing new instrument in measuring the productivity of employee based on the social media usage rather than any negative factors that contribute to the lowest productivity at workplaces. Keywords: comparison analysis, social media usage, instrument, employee productivit

    Factors Influencing Internet Addiction Among University Students: A Review

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    The widespread usage of Internet worldwide has resulted in a tremendous change in people’s lifestyle, particularly the young generation, which is recognized as the digital natives. However, there is an increased concern in the use of Internet among university students as they can become addicted to Internet due to its excessive usage. In this respect, it is vital to investigate the pattern of Internet usage of the users as the ways in which they use Internet may result in the Internet addiction. Considering that Internet addiction can disrupt the productivity of a nation, extensive studies of Internet addiction have been conducted, and most of these studies were conducted in countries that have advanced technology of Internet. This paper presents a review of the existing studies of the factors contributing to Internet addiction among university students. Based on the review, these factors can be categorized into four factors, namely, the psychological factors, demographic factors, socioeconomic factors and usage pattern. Drawn from this review, a conceptual framework consisting of eight factors influencing Internet addiction has been formulated. This conceptual framework serves as a research design to investigate the factors that influence Internet addiction among university students

    Social Media Usage And Its Impact On Work Productivity At A Malaysian University

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    The ubiquity of social media at the workplace has motivated researchers to investigate its contribution to the work performance among employees. However, an investigation of this phenomena at a learning institution in Malaysia is still non-existence. Thus, this study aimed to explore the perceived impact of using social media to work productivity among employees at a particular university. A focus group interview among nine employees consisting of different job scope at an academic centre of a particular university has been conducted. Data were transcribed, coded and categorised using Nvivo Pro 11 software. The finding of this study showed the common social media used by the respondents are Whatsapp followed by email, Facebook, Youtube and Google via smartphone and desktop for work, notification and reminder purposes. Respondents highlighted the positive and negative impacts of using social media which affect their job productivity and showed different perceptions toward the relationship between the reasons of using social media and staff productivity. The findings were limited to a particular context hence generalising them to other context need to be done with caution. Further, this study can be considered as a preliminary study to gain further understanding of the impact of social media to work productivity